Build a Website using Blocks of Startup Design Framework

• 1 minute READ

What you will learn in this tutorial: How to use blocks and create a web page from scratch using the Startup Design Framework.
Video run time: 10 minutes

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Here is step-by-step tutorial through the process of using Designmodo’s new Startup Framework (demo) to create a web page.

In this video tutorial, David will show you how to set up folders properly and insert CSS and javascript from the kit. (David also explains the logic behind placing javascript code at the end of the page – a great bonus.)

David explains using the Blocks from the Startup Framework to get a basic website started and shows how to add in some basic customizations or mix and match blocks within Startup Framework for different style combinations. Once that assets are set up, you can build a fully responsive website in just a few minutes thanks to the great built-in blocks in the kit.

The tutorial is easy to follow using any platform or editor to develop basic HTML/CSS. David explains and shows the code and actual page as he works. You will need basic web design and coding knowledge and some understanding of Twitter Bootstrap to complete this tutorial.

David East

David East is a full-stack developer; from SQL to styling. He works for Aspenware in Denver, Colorado, making freaking amazing applications. You can visit his website where he blogs and provides code snippets. Follow on twitter @eastdotnet.

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